Hello, New Subscribers and Readers!
I hope you have enjoyed my postings so far. I've found that it is hard to go back through some of my older posts especially since it's over 90 amazing posts on my site. In an effort to make sure you do not feel like you've missed something great here, I think I should make it a little easier for you to catch-up on some posts that you may not have had the opportunity to read or look into since joining. So below are a list of all my postings related to any and all things Black (since it is February):
{*asterisks next to popular, "must read" posts}

Dear Society- New Movie Coming Out this Fall
~Justin Simien's "Dear White People" satire movie was just announced and caused a great discussion among many in society. This was my way of promoting the movie and encouraging others to watch it.

The New Sarah Baartman: It's a Man's World
~I studied and learned about Sarah Baartman, a slave who was forced into the circus because of her curvy body. I compared her to the women in today's {patriarchal} society.

Get Over It... Again
~More and more events of police brutality and racism was emerging. This was my message to those who kept saying "get over it"... it as in slavery and racism. SMH let me not get mad all over again lol

The Non-Existence of Black Plays
~This was a final paper/project for my African-American Theater class in undergraduate.

Growing Up Black & Female
~My way of explaining the difference between white and black women... somewhat biased, sorry.

"Statistics" What They Say/Think about Black Women
~An ignorant post of statistics I found and had to debunk... after reading, you would want to debunk them too!

The DIVIDED States We Stand...
~Election Season started and everyone kept saying how we were becoming more divisive by talking about racism and standing against police brutality. I pointed out the obvious... we have been a divided state in this country. This was nothing new!

A Step to Change-- Action Required
~I created a petition to get passed or reviewed by the government about creating a Public Safety/Community Relations community that reviewed police complaints, etc. who were not biased and make sure police were held accountable. It is still available for more signatures!

"Defying All Odds" Protest Reflections
~A protest in Charlotte that I attended and reviewed.

Riding Along & Working Together
~The time I did a ride along with the police... had a very interesting experience and changed perspective... might change yours too.

Drake's "Control Her" Lyrics
~Everyone knew and liked "Controlla" but I had different thoughts about the song. "Control Her" were the lyrics I heard so I decided to analyze the lyrics and see how they related to domestic/intimate partner violence with the cycle of power and control.

Embracing Your Allies
~After everyone turned on Justin Timberlake for a comment he made to a Twitter troll, I decided to analyze the situation and our relationship with our white allies and friends. In this, includes my favorite activists who all happen to be white males... interesting read.

Social Justice Solutions: What Can YOU Do?
~This is one of the most popular posts I have on my blog to date! During this time, many were upset, frustrated, and wanting to take initiative against police brutality and other social justice issues. This is a post giving some suggestions and actions that any and everyone can take to bring change.

Cultural Appropriation vs. Appreciation Political Theory Essay
~This was a final paper I had to submit for my Feminist Political Theory class in undergraduate. My professor was not sure what the difference between the two was so I had to break it down and educate him on it. I analyzed and compared 3 events: Kylie Jenner's lip kit, Kylie Jenner versus Zendaya wearing faux locs, and Miley Cyrus twerking... somewhere in America.

#RacistsBeRacisting (Racial Identity Theories Included)
~A very popular hashtag surfaced so I pointed out excuses racists make up in arguments showing how racist they are. Attached in a link is a breakdown of racial identity, a concept and course I learned and took for my Psychology degree.

Interracial-LY Common
~I had many requests from people who were curious on my thoughts about interracial dating... one person in particular wanted my opinion and eventually got into an interracial relationship (coincidence?) lol

Slavery Embedded
~One of my favorite and most popular blog posts about slavery. In relation to people saying "get over it", many people did not see or understand how slavery still related to today's issues so I had to break it down for them... I have evidence to back up what I was saying too.

First Official Podcast- Atlanta FX Review
~Another blogger and myself took it upon ourselves to start a podcast. This was a trial/pilot before podcasts became super popular. Our guest speaker is an author and Donald Glover look alike, super relevant to us discussing and dissecting "Atlanta" series on FX, starting back this year!

A Way OUT: Get Out Thoughts
~I got into way too many Facebook arguments about this movie from other black people who just did not understand the movie. Here is my review on "Get Out", one of my favorite movies ever!

You'd Love Me if I was a White Girl
~One of my favorite poems I have ever written. Back story... long story short, you'd love me if I was a white girl... literally. It was my letter to a friend and to society.

What Qualifies You as Black, Girl?
~Top favorite poem I have ever written. I can't wait to perform this live. I had so many friend/subscribers ask me about this poem in person. I appreciate the love! I had it typed up in my phone for the longest and decided to finally edit it and post it to my blog site. Another message to society and stereotypes of black women.


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