An Emotionless Man...

Is not human.
    He is a depiction of who society wants him to be.

Is not normal.
    He is a fiction character out of books you read and movies you see.

Is not at fault.
    He simply does not have a price to pay, any flaws or mistakes.

Is not real.
     He's consequently the boss of his own life he takes and to himself, he gives.

Is "not filled with emotions"
      He's robotic like emojis and refuses to emote his emotions to mean what he says and feels.

He is an Emotionless Man and he is less than the man you would want to be with.

Image result for emotionless men

In today's society, men are taught that they cannot show or have emotions or feelings. If they do, they cannot display it; they "must be stronger than every other person in the world." They might not always verbalize this unsaid and conditioned rule but it is well known amongst the male species. They are not taught how to balance or manage their feelings but bury it under their masculinity. They "are the alpha male figures who must protect everyone including themselves." There is nothing wrong with wanting to protect and be strong for a woman but there are healthy ways of doing that and not be considered weak. Most of the time, they perceive showing emotions as being weak when it's not.  Who said sensitivity equated to weakness? I, personally, think it's attractive to be vulnerable and sensitive to not only your own feelings but the feelings of those around you.

And I'm not saying that because I am a woman but because I have seen every male in my life choose their superior, masculinity over their health and relationships of connecting with other people. Men hide their feelings whereas women easily share it... maybe it could be perceived as too much sharing of emotions but you do not see women successfully hiding and burying their emotions either. However, on both sides, we display how we feel in other ways (internal to external). We just have to learn to look and pay attention. This is something I am also learning.

Yes, that's where you get the scene where the guy asks the girl "what's wrong" and she says "nothing' although you know she's lying. It's the same vice versa. I just think girls are okay with not dwelling on it and move on from the subject. Men may feel like the woman is not fighting for them, to work on what's causing him to feel some type of way or out of character. At the same time, I don't think men take the time to teach their woman to do that. This all goes back to communication (which people have made a cliche and overrate it).

Overall, my bias is that most men are emotionless because they do not know how to express their emotions. My thing is there's not a right or wrong way of expressing feelings, just do it! I think everyone should be open-minded and attentive to how each person, especially in a relationship, would feel. Our society has us conditioned that "catching feelings" is a bad thing when it's not. Catch something before you fall in something it'll be hard to get out of... whether that's in love with the wrong person or even depression. Either way, you look at it, an emotionless PERSON is unhealthy and affects your mental health.

We all have a part to play. Let's make sure we are encouraging feelings and expressions and not suppressing them!


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