Let's All Hold Out: The Sex Strike Begins!

After seeing this clip, I am TOO EXCITED!
I did not hear about this movie on my own. Everyone has been asking me about it or if I heard about it coming out! "Ayana, you'd do something like this!!" or "Ayana, this is right up your ally!" 
Fortunately, yes! Both statements are true and I cannot wait to see this movie!

Tell me your thoughts and your beliefs below in the comments.

Are you excited? Would you be able to withstand the hold? How relative is this in today's society? If this was to happen in real life, what would be the outcome of it? And to what tragedy or situation could this be applied to or help?

Look up "Lysistrata" if you do not know her story.

Here is the whole trailer for the movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0Bs1df0kPI in theaters NOW!


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