News Story: Female Violation

Ever heard a male say that females deserve to get what they got. For example, some males believe that if a female is raped then she got what was coming whether it was from the way she dressed, acted, flirted, or any other EXCUSE given by any ignorant male. To me, ignorant is an understatement for the males who believe this. To hear a guy comment something like that is very repulsive and upsetting. Is this what our generation really believes? Is this what we think is okay?

The inspiration and main focus of this blog post is female violation. I'm not just talking about rape. In fact, I prefer not to discuss rape just yet. I came across the Huffington Post about Iggy Azalea appearing on a radio show and letting us know that she is constantly being sexually violated by her fans. The article (link below) states that rapper, Iggy Azalea, has to put on two pairs of underwear, skin colored stockings, AND then her pants/jeans/shorts/whatever she is wearing that night at our concerts. She does this to protect herself from getting FINGERED by her fans while crowd surfing. Shockingly to me, she also states that it is more of her female fans doing it or planning to do it more than her male fans AND posting these "plans" on social media sites! Not only that but after watching the actual video of the interview/radio appearance (also in the link below), one of the interviewers on the radio show makes it seem like it is okay! He continues to ask inappropriate and seemingly uncomfortable questions regarding her performances ( in her concerts and in bedroom) and assumes that because she is a rapper that raps about her twerking and her body that she reflects that activity in real life resulting in her being sexually explicit lifestyle. He also pushes her to answer these inappropriate questions (in my opinion).

It is hard for me to NOT get mad while he asks her questions regarding her sex life, her watching porn, etc. VERY PERSONAL QUESTIONS! I understand he is trying to ask interesting questions so that he can make his money and receive good reviews, etc. but it was vulgar and inappropriate. I also cannot believe that females would be the ones to violate another female like that. It's almost like women against women crimes. I compare this to women who will fight one another over a man instead of approaching and blaming the man at fault. We should stand together and respect, love, and understand each other's lifestyle, body, and style more than any man would. Why do we stand against each other constantly? And why would another female want to violate another female as if she is suppose to accept it and be okay with that.

Clearly, Iggy was/is uncomfortable about it to the point she stopped crowd surfing AND continues to add extra clothing JUST to be protected against any "invasion of privacy". Just because she is a "rapper" and in the same category with other female rappers such as Nicki Minaj, Lil Kim, etc. that she is also subjected to vulgarity and promiscuity like the other female rappers in the game put out or expose about their lifestyle. "Sex sells" (clearly) and if rapping about her body and sexuality makes her money, sure by all means continue it if it makes her happy, but fans should be mindful that she is also a human being and a female. I'm sure they wouldn't like being touched inappropriately and held to a standard saying that is okay. She shouldn't HAVE to wear "protective barriers" like that... no woman should but the reality is that in this society, we ALL have forms of protective barriers from putting a sweater or jacket on to show less skin to a sexually frustrated man to posting sticky notes on our bathroom mirrors reminding yourself that "you are beautiful" because no one else will admit that to you, especially NOT society. We ALL have done some form of protecting ourselves from negativity brought our way, literally and figuratively. Stand Together and Stand Up.

And how DARE the interviewer hold her to such standard! After all, he is the prime example or should I say the representation of societal's {men's} viewpoint on how woman should look, act, and dress ("The Male Gaze"). Whether that's through music, on TV, on commercials, and billboards. But at the end of the day, men want a respectable woman that they were raised to want as a spouse. They can look all they want to but cannot touch... apparently, that goes to women also from Iggy's perspective. Or is this another fake and traditional belief that society makes women believe to prove that we, at the end of the day, have to please a man; that is our sole purpose in life? In actuality, men can look AND touch and us women have to submit. It's a man's world and we are just living in it....


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