Your Rent is DUE!

Welcome to Part 2 of my first official blog series!

Side note: I lowkey forgot that I started Identity Crisis which is technically the first blog series I attempted. The reason why I have not finished that series is because I have not fully accomplished my own Identity Crisis especially with my newly found/renewed spiritually identity.

I am going to set up the basis of understanding what I mean by "Your Rent is Due" which is the title of this blog post.
Step 1: Understand what the word "rent" means. In the English dictionary as a verb it means "to pay someone for the use of" and as a noun it means "a tenant's regular payment to a landlord for the use of property or land". However in the Bible, rent means "to divide or tear apart". How does this connect? I'll tell you in a second.
Step 2: Understand that whatever context you see that "rent is due"equals consequences if not done. For example, what is the result if you do not pay your rent for your apartment? Eviction correct? What about the result if you biblically "rent" something or cause division in a group of friends? You can assume drama or conflict will occur.
Step 3: Connect the dots. How does the biblical definition of rent and the definition we use today, relate to one another AND why does it matter?

Warning: I am about to preach for a second and connect the dots for you.

In multiple scriptures and time and time again, we see in the Bible that we, [hu]mans, are just beings created by God and placed on this Earth to live for him. Although good and evil also reside here with us, we have free will to decide whose side we are on. In Romans 12: 1-2, the Bible says that "our bodies are a living sacrifice". The chapter goes on to describe the goodness and deeds that is asked of us in this free willed world. ANYWAY! It also says that our bodies belong to the Lord meaning it is his property (ex: 1 Cor. 6:13). If our bodies are His property then he is technically the landlord correct? And since we are his property, we owe it to Him for letting us use and stay in our bodies right? He is the one that gave us life. Therefore, we owe Him rent.

"How is this possible" is the question that I just answered for you. It is also in the Word (the Bible). "How can our rent be due" is the question that you may ask next along with "How can we pay our rent to him?" Great and easy question! You pay your rent by doing what's pleasing in His eyes. This is also in the Word. You pay your rent through your actions, your words, and the time you devote to Him and the rest of his property or land (the Kingdom). Another way of thinking about it, the Word and His commandments are documents that we must sign and obey the rules in order to live in a peaceful, safe environment. Matter of fact, you sign these documents when you accept Him into your heart and into your life.

Now how does the biblical definition of rent relate: Since we are all His property, we are one body in Him (also quoted in the Word). We should not have divisions if we are all one body. Therefore, everyone is accountable for one another and their actions. We all must make sure everyone pays their rent on time. That's why I decided to start this somewhat spiritual blog series on how we, this generation, need to get our lives together now! Why wait is the major question. We continue to wait for the next person to step up when it's all of us that need to. We also want to "wait until I get my life right". Some people of this generation have put their spiritual lives on halt and do not want to get right with God because they are not ready to stop partying, doing this, and doing that. They feel convicted because they know what they are doing is not pleasing in the sight of God. It is a strong battle between the flesh and the spirit. This division within this one body "needs to be healed and not covered up". Be bold with your faith and stand together with your brother and sister in Christ to bring change in the world. It is your duty to...

Pay your rent to God and avoid eviction


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