Single For LYfe: Don't Need a Man

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Welcome to Part 6 of Single for LYfe! I think we all have been guilty of saying any of these: "I don't need a man to supply my needs." "I can cook, clean, pay my own bills, get my own hair and nails done." "Everything he can do, I can do better." We walk around holding our noses high in the air like all the male species are little boys out here acting like dogs. I think the keyword in that last statement isn't 'dogs' (because some of them are LOL jk) but the keyword is 'boys'. Not all the male species are little boys. We must be able to decipher the difference between a boy and a man.

Image result for woman with attitude gifA BOY plays games and doesn't value the females in his life. He says and does whatever he thinks you want to hear in order to get his way and do what he really wants. He shows you himself multiple times but knows how to finesse your appealing nature. This boy doesn't commit and will waste your time 2017. However, a MAN doesn't play games. He has his head on straight and knows what and who he wants. He is about business and getting things done. He will not waste your time or your money because he values his own time and money. This independent, Ima be single 4ever attitude is what truly keeps us single forever!

We are told to let a man be a man but a man has to be the one to show and represent that not us. We, as women, are designed to be the nurturers, gatherers, and you know all the titles. However, we may take TOOOOO much pride in that.Yes, we are independent and yes, we are strong. This does not negate all the good qualities we have BUT it does highlight the intention behind our words and our actions when we remind a man of those qualities we have as a woman. Men live from their egos (in all ways than one) and sometimes, we have to sit back and let him lead. With this said, we do NEED them... no matter how much it hurts to admit.

Image result for woman with attitude gifI could list many reasons for why we need a man biologically, psychologically, emotionally, etc. but you already know all of what I could list off. I am all for women's equality and when it comes to being strong, independent, strong-willed, etc.  Single women, alone, can get many things accomplished without having a man by their side. Therefore the first thing you must do as a single woman is to get rid of that negative mindset and wait on God. Developing your relationship with Him will help you see yourself in the way that He sees you causing you to love yourself the way He loves you. This looks like serving Him by having an intimate relationship with Him, serving in a church, and developing your purpose. When you are focused on Him, He will then add the right MAN into the picture. You will NEED Him! You NEED Him now so you can enjoy him later.

The Bible mentions that in Matthew 6:33 and if you read the story of Ruth, this concept was all she was doing. She wasn't focused on a man... she didn't need him but she knew she needed God. when that was her focus (serving, praying, and minding her business) then that's when Boaz came. All of that was in God's timing. She wasn't walking around with pride either, talking down to or about men and stating she didn't need them... Ruth couldn't do this, especially not in her culture. So when you say you don't need a man for whatever reason, realize what you are saying; think twice. You are belittling men and putting yourself higher than him. And from what I've heard, no man wants to deal with that on a regular basis. Know when to play that card on the table and realize there are certain battles we must lose in order to win the war.

I'm sure I have mentioned these in another post under this series but it is important that as a single that you keep this in mind... you won't be single for life... Love Yourself, Queens!


P.S. It has been awhile since I have done a "Single for LYfe" post so to make it easier for you to catch up, here's the first 5 parts of the series:

Part 1- "Single for LYfe"
Part 2- "Single for LYfe: Giving Yourself Away"
Part 2.5- "Single for LYfe: Wifey Material Reiteration"
Part 3- "Single for LYfe- No Rush"
Part 4- "Ima Be Single 4 LYfe"
Part 5- "Single For LYfe: Damaged Goods"


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