The Chronicles of Racial Battle Fatigue (2017)

(Edited; Originally set to post in 2017)
Please keep in mind that this information is based on some facts and from experiences. Do not take anything as personal or as an attack on white people or white culture. Neither do I find myself superior to or discriminatory against the Caucasian race; prejudices and stereotypes may be shared. If you do not know or understand what these words mean (they are often confused with one another), please feel free to ask through comments or simply open another tab/look them up in the dictionary.

Here is a message to my white friends:

"There are a lot of things I must educate you on but feel as though it would not be worth it. You have made the focus and played victim for so long for issues that do not directly impact you but the fact is you are the problem. I will not keep my mouth shut and honestly, now that I have gone to college and about to receive my degree, I have learned many more things and experiences that I have yet to share with you... to help educate you as well and to help you understand. You don't want to understand because you were raised in an environment and world where you were not reminded of your color until you were the only one of your color around. You were taught to be color blind and not judge someone of their color but yet make assumptions and fear others that do not look like you. It's crazy how many black people share similar stories and experiences of how we have been discriminated against because of the color of our skin. Do you not see the problem with that? Instead of being too busy yelling at me saying All Lives Matter, instead of being too busy being color blind that you cannot see your own ignorance to color, instead of being too busy ignoring the same shared experiences among one race, you should be trying to understand, analyze, and examine racial identity and other cultures."

"Note that when Black people talk about race and how we are being oppressed, it's not to make you feel guilty but to try to help you understand or bring awareness to the issues/experiences. However, to understand is to notice your own racial bias and identity and try to obtain an open mind. Stop feeling attacked or avoiding the conversation. It's not about you nor is it making the issues better... "

After scrolling down my TL and reposting things, I have to say that just because I'm a feminist doesn't mean I hate men and just because I fight for racial equality for Blacks/African-Americans doesn't mean I hate white Americans.
Sometimes, I feel like I have to remind yall especially those who get so easily offended and defensive. Just saying


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