
Showing posts from December, 2015

Single For LYfe Part 2.5: Wifey Material Reiteration

After re-reading my post, I realized that I did not clarify or focus on the points I wanted to make. I talked to several women about relationships recently. Looks as though we all are going through the same thing. The below are summaries of these honest conversations with these women.  "Experience is the best teacher." -Proverb When you are wifey material, guys can pick up on that. They see that you are a good girl, have a lot going for you, and hold yourself to high moral standards and know your own value. However, regardless of if you are necessary their type or their match, they want to hold onto or claim you as their own because they know that's who they NEED. You have all the perfect qualities; you cook, clean, always pampered, down-to-earth, loving, nurturing, independent, hard-working, etc. all the ingredients for the perfect mate but they know you are not their mate! When you see something good, it's natural to want to grab it before someone else does

Don't Break the Deal!!

10 Tips on Managing and Committing to Your Deal-Breakers: Ladies {and Gentlemen}: Ever feel like you do not have officially made deal-breakers because they are hard to stick to? Do you have deal-breakers but do not know how to break the deal? Fear not! I have 10 tips that may help you establish/create your deal breakers and tips to sticking to them. 1. What is your complete no go?? Make a list of things you cannot stand or tolerate when it comes to your potential mate whether that is in appearance or materialistic things. Crooked teeth, bad B.O., have a child, no job, or no car... Simply make a list of these things. 2. In this list you created, prepare your top 3 worst of all deal-breakers with questions. For example, if your top three are baby daddy, no job, or no car your questions could be "Do you own a car?", "Are you currently employed", and "do you have any children?" Simple right? Also straight forward and communicative. 3. When that perso

Single for LYfe: Giving Yourself Away

Part 2: When You Are Wifey Material... For the ladies... I wanted to share a little lesson I starting to learn recently. When you are single, you have options correct? No, scratch that; you have choices to make! You can allow someone to pursue you, get into pursuit, or pursue someone first. In other words, you can allow someone to talk to you, get to know you, etc. You can prepare and better yourself for a relationship, or you seek a guy's attention, affection, interest, etc. I am sure there are more options and choices than just those three but for now, I'm going to point those out (mostly because they are simple and less complex). When you are single, it's best to focus on yourself. However,  you may or may not attract potential candidates for the position you are preparing yourself for. This is not a bad thing. You can still work on yourself and entertain guest right? Depends on how and why you do it. One may choose to entertain company because they are lonely, do

The Non-existence of Black Plays

African American Theater Final When one types in “what is a play” into Google, plays such as Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo & Juliet, and many more line the top of the google search page. Below that is the definition of a play. Google states there are 3,020,000,000 results in .40 seconds. When one types in “what is a black play” into Google, no plays appear at the top of the google search page. Below is no definition of a black play. The first result to appear is not even Wikipedia but a group called “TCG circle”. Google states there are 2,060,000,000 results in .47 seconds. So… one might assume, first, that Google is racist LOL! No, Google is not racist (to my knowledge). But simply asking “what is a play” may be a broad question to ask. Yes, it had more results in a quicker time frame but that is not the issue when proposing this question to Google. What is problematic is the fact that no black plays appear at the top of the Google search in the broad question of “what is a play

Let's All Hold Out: The Sex Strike Begins!

YASSSSSSS GIRL POWER! After seeing this clip, I am TOO EXCITED! I did not hear about this movie on my own. Everyone has been asking me about it or if I heard about it coming out! "Ayana, you'd do something like this!!" or "Ayana, this is right up your ally!"  Fortunately, yes! Both statements are true and I cannot wait to see this movie! Tell me your thoughts and your beliefs below in the comments. Are you excited? Would you be able to withstand the hold? How relative is this in today's society? If this was to happen in real life, what would be the outcome of it? And to what tragedy or situation could this be applied to or help? Look up "Lysistrata" if you do not know her story. Here is the whole trailer for the movie: in theaters NOW!