New Year, New Resolutions

Happy 2016 Readers!!! I hope you brought the New Year with love, bubbles, and fireworks! 
Made any resolutions for the New Year?? Already planning on giving up by next week?
Well do not fear! New Year Solutions are here!

5 Simple Tips/Ideas to Successfully Commit to New Year's Resolutions

1. Tell a friend! 
This person could help you stay on track and remind you of what you committed to. This person needs to be your straight-forward/blunt, "get-yo-life" type of friend. This person you value their opinion and will feel convicted about when they fuss at you. They will be a key factor in committing to New Years Resolution.

2. Download an App 
There are great apps for your phone or device that you could download to help you stay on track. Most of them are free and allow other users to help you accomplish your goals such as Sociidot and Everest. Check out some app descriptions here:

3. Sticky Notes/Notepads
I know a lot of people make references to films, shows, or movies that the character either writes on their mirror or has a thousand sticky notes (such as Being Mary Jane) but they really do work! I tend to ignore sticky notes because they are so small and I only like to read them one. However, I use notepads or notebook paper to remind me of my resolutions. I tend to pay closer attention to them more; plus I can highlight a "trigger word" to get me focused on what I'm trying to accomplish.

4. Phone Reminders/Alarms
Whatever time you consistently wake up to, you can add a reminder/note under it. Very simple, easy, and it's the first thing to remind you in the morning of what you committed to and want to accomplish that day!

5. Prayer 
My favorite scripture in the Bible is "Seek God first and everything else should be added unto you" (Matt. 6:33). He will always help you and would "never put more on you than you could bear" (1 Cor. 10:13). I could go on and on all day! But prayer helps. Keep (Pray Until Something Happens)!

And it will happen! Stay focused! It's okay if you get off track of your resolution; hop back on right then and there. Don't wait until next week to recover! It's all in preparing your mindset and rewarding yourself. Always move forward! Have healthy and safe options to your resolutions and always remember 

Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016!
Good luck!


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