
Showing posts from July, 2015

Let's Play Tackle!

Lame title of a blog post but y'all know me! ;-) I hope all is well. I haven't said that on here in awhile... or ever. After much debate and talking with others about how my blog came along and the essence of the title, etc. I decided to create another blog. It is hard for me to do since I use this one to vent or post different things I encounter or think about all on one blog. However, since this one is established to educate people on women's and race issues, I feel as though making another blog for my Christian views and encounters with God is necessary.  I can go on and on about God's Grace and Mercy and about the relationship I am building with Him everyday. I just know that people sometimes do not want to hear that and may turn away from my blog altogether. Additionally, I do not remember stating in my blog vision that I will tackle Christian views and spiritual although they do tie in often when it comes to my views with women and race. I also feel as th...

Your Rent is DUE!

Welcome to Part 2 of my first official blog series! Side note: I lowkey forgot that I started Identity Crisis which is technically the first blog series I attempted. The reason why I have not finished that series is because I have not fully accomplished my own Identity Crisis especially with my newly found/renewed spiritually identity. I am going to set up the basis of understanding what I mean by "Your Rent is Due" which is the title of this blog post. Step 1: Understand what the word "rent" means. In the English dictionary as a verb it means "to pay someone for the use of" and as a noun it means "a tenant's regular payment to a landlord for the use of property or land". However in the Bible, rent means "to divide or tear apart". How does this connect? I'll tell you in a second. Step 2: Understand that whatever context you see that "rent is due"equals consequences if not done. For example, what is the result if ...

This Generation: Why Wait? Part 1

Long time, No see! Congrats! You have just opened or commenced my first blog series! I feel as if this topic is necessary for a blog series since there is so much going on in the world and with my generation. In light of the events going on in the world, it is imperative that we, this young adult generation, get down to business and stop being distracted by social media, gossip, music, etc. yet use these things for our advantage. We have so much potential, creativity, activism, charisma, and so much more to get a lot more things done in our society and bring change. After all, we are the next leaders. I have the understanding that it is a part of my calling to help my generation and lead them to the Promise Land (Joshua and not Moses' style). Speaking of, I have been studying the book of Joshua in the Bible (New International Version). I want to be able to listen and obey God's commands without hesitation or second guessing him. With all of that comes day-to-day practice...