Hearing God's Voice

Why Wait Part 3

Did you know that God speaks?

YES! He does and He does it often than you think.

I have had many conversations with people about hearing God's voice and sadly, not that many people recognize His voice to know what His voice sounds like or even know that He speaks. He talks to everyone. I like to describe it as the voice of reasoning and challenge behind your own voices talking in your mind. The more you pinpoint His voice, the more you understand what He sounds like. But how do you get there? How do you know he's speaking? Well, the best way I know how to explain it to you is through my own experience. Here's how I came to hear God's voice:

I attended my church's leadership summer camp for the second time. I enjoyed those camps because I got to bond with other teens who were just like me, seeking to know God on a personal level and to be more like Christ. This year's camp happened to be in the woods with no cell phone service and plenty of land, creeks, and trails which equaled to intimate time and places with God. One morning, my young pastor told us about the 5, 5, 5, which means to spend 5 minutes praying to God, 5 minutes studying the Word, and 5 minutes in silence listening to God. This was easier said than done! I heard my pastor mention it before but never fully understood or practiced it. Something happened that morning at the creek when my pastor told us to find a private spot in that area and spend time doing the 5, 5, 5... and I did. The creek was beautiful and I did not feel distracted by it but felt sincere, peaceful, and hopeful that God was there with me. I left with something that morning that I had not had before... the feeling that God was trying to speak to me and the motivation for me to hear Him.

I took what I learned back home with a new focus and interest to getting closer to God than never before. This was my time and my moment to spend in God's presence not only talking to Him but listening for His voice as well. I did not give up and was humble about my time doing the 5, 5, 5 every night before bed. Giving 15 minutes of my day to God was NOTHING compared to all that He has given me so why not?

One unexpected night, it happened! I heard God speak for the first time! It was a feeling so very hard to explain. I just knew it was not my own voice. I was overwhelmed with joy, peace, and excitement that I finally heard His voice and began crying. My heart was shaken and my head bowed as I sunk onto the floor in my bedroom, thanking Him for finally speaking. Later I realized that it wasn't the fact that He was finally speaking but the fact that I was finally listening and allowed myself to be vulnerable to His words.


The 5, 5, 5 was what it took for me to hear His voice. The more I spent time in the Word and spent time with God, the more I recognized and pinpointed His voice. His voice wasn't what they had shown in the movies but a familiar, spiritual, and calming voice I had heard all along. It was like all of a sudden because I had sought it, His voice was louder than before and I could hear Him clearly. Although my first encounter was five years ago, I still cry or react when hearing Him say certain things to me. Like I said, He will challenge your own carnal thoughts and do supernatural things in your life but now that I have a personal relationship with Him that has developed to dialogues with God, I know when he is telling me something for my good and for blessings in the kingdom. He actually tells me when He is listening or about to do something and I see it come to passed. It may sound weird but the more you spend time with God, the sky is the limit and you become closer to Him and know His ways.

Spending time with God, talking to Him, and reading His Word is the way to seeking, knowing, and hearing Him. The Bible says "Seek Him first and the kingdom of God and everything else will be added unto you" (Matt. 6:33Deut. 4:29). Try to sleep, eat, drink, or, better yet, breathe that scripture and seek God in everything you do. 2012 was my year to live Matthew 6 in my life. In everything, I sought Him and saw the true desires of my heart come to me. That year was one of the best years of my life just by living out that scripture alone. This may be my story and testimony of one of the many many things God has done in my life as I draw closer to Him and grow in my spirituality. You have a story and testimony to tell too but are you listening to God's voice?

I believe that God speaks to everybody, non-believers and believers, and that everyone can hear God's voice. Whether you seek to know or have an intimate, close relationship with Christ, you can ask for your mind to be clear, your eyes to be open, and your heart to love and focus on Him by reading His Word and declaring that you believe in Christ.

Say this prayer: "Lord God, thank you for waking me up this morning and allowing me to see another day. Thank you for all that you have done and will do in my life. Please forgive me for all the sins I have made in my life that has caused me to turn away from you. Lord, I declare that I believe that you sent your son, Jesus Christ, to died for my sins and believe he resurrected from the dead to save me.  Lord, I also pray that you continue to bless and keep me near you and your Word. The Bible says that if I seek your kingdom and your righteousness, that everything will be added unto me. Lord, as I pray this prayer of salvation that you allow your Holy Spirit to enter my life and help me be obedient to you. I know and understand that you created me for a purpose on this Earth. I pray that you let your will be done in my life. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Here is a good resource and information on the prayer you just said: http://www.allaboutgod.com/prayer-of-salvation.htm and if you truly accept the God has your Lord and savior, make sure you own a Bible, attend a church that works for you, and pray on a regular basis. It is important that you read the Word and know the things your Father in Heaven has done, his miracles, blessings, your spiritual lineage, and more. For more information on the next steps, click here. Want tips on how to study and read the bible, fasting, etc.? Check out my church's blog here: http://www.itsamovement.org/blog/ Why make the decision? Check out my other blog posts "This Generation", "Your Rent is DUE", and "Where You At?".

May God bless you and open your heart, mind, and soul to hear His voice and follow his commands.



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