OUR Bodies...

"OUR Bodies are not for a man's pleasure,
it was not created for his eyes, his love, or for his personal leisure.
It was not created to be misguided or misused.
It is not to be mistaken as his property but as his companion.

OUR bodies are not a man's Other,
it is not an object, possession, or digression of what Freud theorized as a lack.
It is the subject, the opposition, the formation of Goddess and Venus,
Mother Nature for all of creation in one being.

We shouldn't be treated like second because the Bible states that the "first shall be last and the last shall be first" and if anyone should be called an Other, man should be the first thing to come to mind because we're always on y'all's mind.

OUR bodies are OUR bodies,
not to be misguided or misused,
it is not an object or possession,
for all of creation,.. it is not property but companion; one's equal."

It is so upsetting to hear about the Stanford University rape. It is so upsetting to know that a woman's body was taking advantage of by someone who felt entitled to it. It is so upsetting that our society victim blames her for her own misfortunes. It is so upsetting that the judge thinks about the suspect's "future" and do not want this to "ruin his life" but does not think about hers or the other women out there in the world who have to constantly see their rapist get away with his crimes or even see him on a day-to-day basis. It is so upsetting to know men actually believe that women are for their use and purpose only... like we do not have our own minds, bodies, and lives. Like we aren't human too.

We, as women, must stick together and fight against sexism and rape culture. It is important that we do not join men, and even women who are compliant and loyal to patriarchal society, in victimizing and blaming rape victims for their own rape. It is important that men realize that we are not at their disposal and that they cannot treat us any kind of way. We are their mothers, sisters, daughters, cousins, aunts, girlfriends, wives, coworkers, neighbors, etc. and we must be treated with respect and dignity... as we are as human beings! ©


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