Men Have The Power...

To change the system of oppression against women

In a previous blog post, I stated that I was going to talk about how men could get involved more in helping women (click here to review post).  Much anticipated answers needed for my male readers huh?

I recently encountered another man (a professor) who had no CLUE about his influence in helping women or how to be apart of the women's movement as a man. Keyword there: HE'S A PROFESSOR! The solution to this dilemma is quite simple... STAND UP AND SPEAK OUT!

If wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, and girlfriends knew they had support from their male counterparts who spoke up for them in situations that bought them gender discrimination, they would be more confident and driven to stand up for themselves. No matter the setting. For example, say you (the guy) are walking in the mall with friend or group of friends that just so happen to be girl(s) and a guy whistles at her or calls out to her in a discriminatory way (could be "hey fine a**" or even "b****", etc.). What do you say or do as her friend? Do you shake your head and let it slide? Do you become aggressive towards him? How would you react?

Better yet, how about when you are hanging out with the guys and y'all are conversing about females and one of your friends calls a girl out of her name or says really sexist things about women? What do you do? Do you shake your head and let it slide? Do you become aggressive towards him? How would you react? Is that the same as the previous example??

 Please fully watch {and take notes from} this video. 
He really puts everything in perspective. He even declares himself as a feminist!

 The things you say or do really can affect someone. Standing up and speaking out in common or uncommon situations make all the difference. Therefore men can be feminist too. Men have the power; you are the elite and the superior in this patriarchal society we live in. In order for there to be a crash in a system of oppression, the ones who have power must stand up with those who are oppressed. To the professor I mentioned earlier whom I encountered in the past week, if only he knew how much of an impact he could make for the women in his class. If only all men knew... Stand up, Speak out, and Make A Difference. Love your women in your life because without them, you would NOT be the man you are today.


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