Answering the Call

I am officially a Senior in college now. Time flies!

Previously, I posted about sharing something near and dear to my SOUL. God has personally been dealing with me A LOT lately regarding this so I think it is about time to share...

In this blog post, I am sharing what God revealed to me about my purpose here on Earth is.

This blog has changed my life completely! I find it inspiring and motivational to not only others but mostly to myself! I do not remember if I ever shared with you all that I had an online diary where I talked about my thoughts and issues that I witnessed or even faced in my life. The diary wasn't TOO serious or in depth but I longed for more. Meanwhile, it wasn't until I attended the Women's Studies info session about picking it up as a minor. There, I met the director and many other Women's Studies minors and listened to what they had to say about their experiences. I was intrigued! I was convinced by these elite group of people to pick this up as a minor. Since then, the program itself has grown. I had noooooo idea how much my life would be changed from that moment forward.

Once I was enrolled in the Women's Studies Intro course with the director of the program, I gained so much knowledge and insight on feminism and the history of the movement. I did not realize it then but I fell in love: a deep passion for standing up for women's rights. I also did not know that this was gong to be my calling...

The Lord told me: "Rise Up, Young Woman of God, Rise Up to your Platform.

I did not give you the mind to think like others,

I did not give you the mouth to talk like others.

I gave it to you for a reason.

Stop comparing yourself to others and Rise UP.

Straighten your posture, hold your head up, and smile, Young Woman of God."

(What is understood {between me and God} does not need to be explained:) Every door and opportunity that arises about women's issues, I find my spirit shaken and full of action. Somehow, some way that night at Mid Week worship when the Lord spoke to my spirit, I knew my calling. My purpose is to help other women be strong, confident, and realize their own purpose! We, as women, go through sooooo much whether that's in regards to relationships, psychological health, mental health, physical health, and spiritual health. Everything we go through and we may face, we need to uplift each other. We have the capability to be powerful women and women of God like the Queen Ester, patient Ruth, the Virgin Mary, and the obedient Martha.

I want to let you know that whatever you are going through with pain, loss, insecurity, all of it, that you are NEVER alone. You must trust and believe God to supply all your needs. Keep in mind that any calling or purpose God has for your life you must also bring people closer to him. With all the craziness going on in the world, you must stand still in God's Word and remain close to him. I'm going to save this sermon for another post but I wanted this post to once again, inspire and uplift you. God is constantly using me as an example.

When I was younger and growing up, I saw other people going through things in their life and I saw that as their testimony to use and bless others. I thought that I didn't have a story because I had not gone through anything personally serious enough to make an impact. However, I was not looking at what was going on in my life with my low self-esteem and low confidence. I did not believe in myself but I always had adults speaking into my life and encouraging me. Looking back, I am shocked to see how far I have come. I've gone from being self conscious and selfless to the point that I let any and every body use and walk over me. Now I am self-confident and self-efficient that I do not need compliments to keep me going or having to convince/prove anything to anyone regarding my confidence.

I had a discussion about confidence within hair options the other day. I had to uplift and encourage my natural sister because she was starting to feel insecure about her hair. I came to the realization and even admitted aloud that my confidence is to the level where I can cut off my hair and be bald and confident. Hair will grow back quicker than someone's self esteem. It took me so long because I allowed other people to come in and rob me of my confidence and happiness. I had to grow into the woman I am today because I had to P.U.S.H. into God and encourage myself. I learned to not rely and depend on other people because they will fail you, disappoint you, and let you down. ENCOURAGE YOURSELF and Believe in Yourself, Women and Children of God.

So when it comes to my purpose in life and following my calling, I will answer to no one but God who will supply all my needs. I am a firm believer and witness to that. Everyone has a calling but in order for you to answer it, you must first believe and trust in Him. When you do, will you answer the call??



  1. I love this post. I'm so glad that you have written this and let everyone know what your calling is. Continue to do the work that you have been called to. We will always need people to encourage women and girls. !

    1. Thank you! That was just confirmation I needed to keep this post up. I was debating on if I should share this information with people or not because it is so personal and close to me. Thanks for continuing to support me and read my posts! Keep sharing, commenting, and most importantly reading it!


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