thE Enough Epiphora

She isn't pretty enough, good enough, dumb enough, 
thin enough, thick enough, smart enough, blessed enough, 
black enough, white enough, rich enough, tan enough,  
poor enough, blonde enough, nice enough, nurturing enough, thoughtful enough, girly enough, tomboy enough, momma's girl enough, tall enough, short enough, spoiled enough, fair enough,
 long-haired enough,  short-haired enough, ugly enough,
  passive enough, assertive enough, model enough...

Enough is ENOUGH!

We get criticism like this on a daily basis and it's about time we say enough is enough and accept no less.

YOU ARE BEAUTiFUL! (In the words of my epiphora {using a repetitive word at the end of a line or clauses} "she is" meaning you!) Be yourself! Stand out in the crowd and be unique from everyone else. Stop trying to meet societal or your peers' expectations of who you are and going after what's supposed to make you happy instead of what really and truly does! It may look lonely being yourself and standing out but I want to remind you that although everyone else may look bigger than you that the "i" is the most essential part. You must first start within and...

YOU ARE ENOUGH... as long as you are happy and confident with yourself from the inside, out.

Know that I have you all in my prayers and that you are not alone.

Sincerely {a note to self},


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