Getting Ready... Travel, Girl! Part 2

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As many students start to count down the days until Spring Break, many preparations must be complete before you take off on any big or small trips! In this blog post. I will cover the basics for any quick trips across state, across the country, or even across the seas! Hope you're ready to Travel, Girl {or Guy} lol!

Tip #1:
Dress comfortable for the car rides or plane trips!

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, indoorFor girls, I recommend wearing a sports bra, leggings, athletic pants, or a super comfortable, cotton dress. For guys, I suggest basketball shorts, athletic pants, or joggers. Make sure you are wearing {old} sneakers or comfortable shoes along with a comfortable t-shirt or sweater especially if you cannot control the temperature of the room or place you will be traveling. For example, some airports and even planes are extremely cold. If you are traveling with a group in the car, you may end up the only one cold while everyone else is hot. Making sure you have some type of jacket or sweater is a smart move!

Tip #2:
Pack the most important items in your carry on!

So many people have heard of stories of losing baggage or not having any clothes, etc. Even on car rides, you may end up putting something you might need for the trip in your luggage that sits in the trunk. When packing your bags, set aside a medium sized bag for your basic necessities. Toothbrush, tooth paste, extra underwear, and extra clothes (like one more shirt and one more pants) would be smart items to carry with you. Facial cleanser, soap, a small wash cloth, and a zip-loc bag are perfect for overnight trips or even trips lasting longer than 10 hours! Of course, make sure you pack snacks in case you get hungry and a great book to read or even playing cards when you get bored.

Tip #3:
Ladies, a little make-up is okay.

Image may contain: 1 person

I watched a YouTube video prior to taking my trip to Paris about things to pack for a long plane ride. One of the YouTubers suggested placing a little bit of foundation or concealer (which is the one I used above) in case you are meeting up with a beau or significant other once you land. Now, I was not meeting anyone once I landed in Paris BUT I thought it was a smart idea in case I saw a celebrity or someone important during my trip. Unfortunately yet fortunately, I did not but I rather be safe than sorry. Plus, my pictures I took I looked fresh and not defeated by the travel.

Tip #4:
Have a least three forms of entertainment during your travel.

Tip #5:

Make your music playlist beforehand!

I put one explanation for Tips 4 & 5 because they go hand and hand. You have to have some form of entertainment during your trip. Playing cards, portable DVD players, listening to music, and reading a book are forms of entertainment. Some people buy crossword puzzles or even make up car games to keep the car lively and hype on the way to their destination. Don't wait until the last minute to create a music playlist especially if you end up with the AUX cord in the car or even stuck on a short flight with a talkative passenger. Entertaining yourself and hyping yourself up on the way to your destination make the trip worthwhile and get you excited about the travel!

Tip #6:
Make sure you have storage for pictures, videos, apps, etc.

I don't know about you but I ALWAYS have problems with storage and run out of space keeping pics
from my last trip. A trick I do is e-mail any pictures I want to my e-mail address... yes, I e-mail myself and later on, save it to my computer. I do that so that I can continue narrowing down which pics I want to keep and which pics I have to get rid of. Pictures and videos are great ways of remembering special moments. I love memories! When I went to New York City, I took maybe a thousand pictures and videos but I had to delete the pointless ones. Deleting and making room on your phone is also smart in case you have to download new apps. Which leads to the next tip...

Tip #7:
Find out what resources you will need to survive in the city you're traveling to!

In New York, I found out that when you go out to eat as a group, they do not split up the check. They do the same in Paris and Italy. Instead of paying each other back by cash, I.O.U.'s or having the waiter gather everyone's card in order to split the order, you can download the Cash app or any other related apps. Come to find out, New Yorkers have apps downloaded like that and use it all the time. It saves time and trouble on everyone and avoid pay over or under to someone if you have physical cash there. Also, cities that use the Metro system also have apps for that. You can see when the next train is coming and more using the app.

Tip #8:

Make a small list of things to do as a non-tourist. Do your homework!

Sometimes being a tourist is good and all but "when in Rome" you must blend in! When I traveled to Paris with my classmates, they were on board a subway train during the night when a fellow passenger yelled in French something about hating Americans and if you were American to get off the train. He appeared drunk and had his friends to calm him down but my classmates were nervous. When my friends and I went out, we did not go to restaurants or places the tourists typically went. There, they might manipulate you or give you an "American" experience when you want to experience the real thing! When people did find out we were American, they embraced us or treated us as though we were Parisan. I loved it! Even in New York, I didn't want to go to the places that tourists typically go. Yes, I did enjoy Times Square but it was crowded and over priced. We ended up finding the best Caribbean place in Harlem from just googling it. Doing your homework and blending in are essential moves that can change your whole experience where ever you are traveling!

Tip #9:
Be money smart!

Please please PLEASSSEEEE be careful and wise on what you spend your money on. I got bamboozled by a clown near the Arc de Tromphe in Paris. He knew good and well I did not have change less than 5 euros! *Gathers self* It's in the past now. Spending money on food is more important and even easier to choose from than shopping for souvenirs, etc. I think it is best to have in mind an idea of what you want to spend on souvenirs but to not go overboard with it. I like to think of gifts that are small and outside of the box because it is easier to travel with them especially on flights as well as good tokens to hold on to. I got one roommate, when I went on a cruise to Mexico a few years back, a bottle with sand and water (weird) but she looked like she cherished it. When I went to Venice, Italy, I got my mom a scarf and glass (which they are famous for), my brother a bottle opener, and my father his favorite kind of hat, a Fedora. Most trips prior to going, people set up a budget... stick to it!!! Be as money smart as possible!

Tip #10:
Make it a goal to have fun!

And I will add: Be willing to try something new! 

I have been guilty of forgetting that I am on vacation and would get frustrated trying to get something accomplished or when something bad happens... mostly when things don't go as I planned. I have to remind myself that it is Ohhhhh, Kayyyyyyyy. Breathe! You are supposed to have fun and relax! If you have to be or look bipolar to smile and get over it, do it! I definitely had some frustrating times while in Paris mostly because I was with people I did not know or trust. We had different outlooks on how our Paris experience should look like which is okay! Some times you have to do things for you but be wise about your decisions as well. Some people get out into new places and go wild because they are around strangers or people who will not judge them. That may seem true but you cannot be too trusting of people. Always do the buddy system, if you get frustrated or aggravated with your group, express your feelings briefly and decide to let them go. Don't harbor on negative feelings and emotions. Enjoy your trip! Make that a goal!


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